Playing With ‘Memoir’ | Week 1 Creative Non-Fiction Class
I recently joined a 6-week “Creative Non-Fiction” class with Gotham Writers in NYC. I love learning and I‘ve wanted to get back into writing. This class seems like the best of both worlds and a...
James Cameron Was a Truck Driver?
You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. — Originally published on Year One. Whether you love or hate James Cameron, you can’t deny he’s found wild success as a top Hollywood Writer-Director. The...
Why I’m Obsessed With Sports
As Someone Who Doesn’t Play or Watch Sports… — I am not a star athlete, or even really an athlete at all. I was fortunate enough to have competitively fought in Judo for a long time, but that...
Why do we Whisper?
The rise of anonymous social networks and my experience — I work in the world of Social Media and am fascinated with the way we communicate and share content, but as excited as I am for the future...
A University Lecture That Actually Changed Me
“Privilege is Invisible to Those Who Have It” — Me. [EDIT: After I published this piece, my professor reached out to me. She was happy the lecture had an impact and reminded me that the guest...
For speaking, media, or a quick chat, reach out to Bailey today.